Later that day, I went back out to the shop and mixed up epoxy with structural filler. Filled in the spaces between the stitches. I work Sundays, so that would give the epoxy time to set before I was free again.
Yesterday afternoon, my son came by and helped me roll the hull over, so I could work on the exterior. His wonderful artist/engineer's eye noticed some bulges in the bottom panel! I was aghast! At a loss for a way to correct them. Logan pointed out that some of the panels may be slightly too wide. Of course. Brilliant. Just run the saw down the joints to cut back the panels.
This morning, I returned to the shop. Pulled a few stitches and cut through the epoxy fillers with the jig saw. Took a few cuts to remove enough material, but I am so relieved to see that he was right!
I expect, when I tell Logan he saw, then solved the problem in the blink of an eye, that he will react much like Sheldon on Big Bang Theory. "Of course."
I never took any pictures of the hull before the corrections, but I am more than pleased to post a few 'afters'
I just published this entry and reread the title. I thought I would explain it, but no. If you don't get it. let me know in the comments.
Merry Christmas, Gerry
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