Monday, February 23, 2015

Rub Rails

Another stunning day in Campbell River!  Yesterday, I took the First Mate to the lake and rowed for about an hour.  That was my reward for getting rub rails ready for today's epoxy.  I started with a 20' plank and planed it down to the desired thickness.  Table saw cut the plank into two beautiful strips.

The rails are 1 1/2" by 3/4" red cedar.  Beautiful old growth, fine grained and light wood.  Perfect for a light rowing boat; one that does not want to do a lot of banging into docks and rocks.

This morning, while it was still too cold in my shop for epoxy to cure, I cut the rails to length and cut a taper into each of their ends.  See if you can see them in the attached pictures.

The rails were given a couple of coats of thickened epoxy on their mating surfaces then clamped into place.  A few sticks of stainless steel brads will keep everything in place until the epoxy is cured.

I hope the epoxy sets up before the temperature drops.  If not, I shall again make a tent over the boat and put in a heater.

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