Monday, March 30, 2015

Slotted Inwale Installed

Another big step today!  This morning, I glued and nailed the spacers to the top of the sides of the boat.  They went in nicely and with the air-nailer, very quickly too.

I had varnished the edges of the little spacers, but I had not varnished either the hull, nor the back side of the rail.  Took awhile to do those, but the varnish dried very quickly so I went on to gluing the rail in place.

After lunch today, I 'buttered' each of the spacers with thickened epoxy then used clamps to hold the inner rail exactly where I wanted.  That part of the process worked very nicely this morning, without slippery glue.  With the epoxy making the joins much more difficult to locate, I had to use more clamps, little sticks to coax the rail to stay in place and a bridge of a 2x4 across the hull to anchor a couple more clamps.

So, these pictures are a work in progress.  Tomorrow I shall sand, varnish and post again.

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